Thursday, September 23, 2010

Secret Santa

So I have signed up to do this very fun sounding secret Santa blog swap threw one of my favorite blogs, I am Wicked Cheap -  please go check it out and sign up if you have a blog it looks like so much fun. I went to  boarding school for a year and at Christmas we had a secret Santa that we left goodies for - it left a huge warm spot in my heart, I do it for a neighbour some years and every year or two one of my girls will do it if they have a very close friend - leave treats outside a friends door each night for them to find in the morning, or because we home school in the day for them to find when they come home from school or activities in the afternoon. It is always such fun to come by on Christmas a revel our self :) So when this came up on  I am Wicked Cheep's site I had to do it - it is almost no money obligation, only $15 for the gift, and I am really hoping that they pair up countries Canadians with Canadians so I do not have to pay so much in shipping etc - Totally love the idea of getting a nice surprise from a (hopefully) thoughtful woman as my husband, love him I do, is not a great gift giver, I often get a very utilitarian, cheap gift LOL, we do not have allot of money, so I get the cheap part, but I would love to see some thought put into it :)  Last year he did good guy- after 10 years of marriage!  So go check it out, sign up and lets all see what sweet things we can do for each other! Women are just better at it (usually) some of you are lucky I admit.

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