Friday, December 3, 2010

Dewey's Nine Lives

A book came in the mail the other day, that I was hoping would come in time for Christmas. I wanted to win this so badly for my animal loving daughter. She will just love this book, then I will sneak it out of her hoard of books and read it to :) It looks amazing, and uplifting. I won it from Nolie at she made my day with that e-mail! This cat was a rescue, and and lives in the town library who goes on to inspire the entire town and beyond. My daughter often looks on the darker side, and I think that this book might help her to look at things a little lighter. I look forward to her putting a review on her hopefully after Christmas. But for now I just wanted to post that this great book is here and you can get it on Amazon or at your book store, a great Christmas gift for sure!


  1. hi! i'm following from the Fun Follow Friday blog hop! i'd love if you would visit my blog and follow back :)


  2. Congratulations on the win! So glad your wish came true: to receive the gift for your daughter in time for Christmas.
    Delightful post - and heartfelt.

  3. Thanks April and Debra, followed you both back, and loved your blogs - truely love that you came here it is so nice :)

  4. Thank you for following me. I am now following you to. Please stop by and enter my giveaways. I have several now and several lined up for the very near future. Happy Holidays.

  5. Thanks for the follow...following you back:)

  6. Thanks Traci66 and Grace, such fun :)

  7. These look like cute stories. My kids are getting a kitten for Christmas this year from the Animal Shelter.
    I won The Big No No and posted about it here.
    I have other graphic stories in my Amazon Store on my blog.
