Sunday, October 3, 2010

Piggy Keychain

I got this lovely e-mail from Paige telling me that although I had not won her giveaway the etsy owner loved what I had posted about my daughter falling in love with the piggy key chain on her Etsy shop so she decided to send her that key chain! Now this is not just from Canada or the States either, it is all the way from Serbia! It came this week, and under top secret tactics we picked it up from the post office and got it home (she will  get her beloved piggy for Christmas) So you can see how sweet this thing is here is a picture:
Now this little girl of mine, is five, and has loved pigs since she could talk. She has been collecting them since she was two. She stopped eating pork oh when she was perhaps three and a half when her sister told her what it was, then started telling us that her pigs did not like us eating them - we don't eat pork at home anymore :)  She will be thrilled with this piggy!


  1. That's so wonderful! I hope she will enjoy this Christmas present - it's so cute!

    - Paie

  2. It is just about the sweetest! And that I did not even win - makes it even sweeter :) makes me feel all warm inside ;)

  3. Thanks for this great article. We really appreciate that. Hope your daughter will love our little piggy creation :)
    best wishes,

  4. Oh she will! I can't wait to give it to her in her Christmas loot :) It is just to lovely for words really, your work is perfect, truely!
